■Membership terms

To use &BIZ, please agree to the following membership terms and conditions.
(& Life-Biz has been renamed to &BIZ as of March 31, 2023.)

Article 1 (Definition)

The definitions of terms used in these Terms are as follows.

1. “&BIZ” refers to the portal site operated by Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) on the Internet.

2. "Service" refers to the services (including product sales) provided by "&BIZ". This service does not include any services on sites operated by third parties other than our company that are linked to "&BIZ".

3. “Members” are individuals who complete the procedures of &BIZ membership registration and get approved by the Company, on the premise of individuals either who has contract of WORK STYLING membership or employees who work for the companies which have signed a room rental contract with the Company or the companies that are tenants in buildings where the Company owns or operates.

4. "Seller" means a business operator (excluding the Company) that provides services (including product sales) through "&BIZ" or an external site linked to "&BIZ".

Article 2 (Effectiveness of these Terms)

1. These Terms become effective at the time when the Company approves the registration application by eligible individuals to join "&BIZ".

2. Members do not acquire any rights to the Company based on these Terms.

Article 3 (Scope of these Terms)

1. In addition to these Terms and Conditions, the Membership Terms and Conditions and detailed rules for using this service (regardless of their names such as "Usage Rules," "Guidance," "Cautions for Use," etc.) (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Membership Terms, etc.") that are separately established by the Company and posted on "&BIZ" form part of these Terms.

2. Members use this service after agreeing to these Terms and Conditions (including membership terms and conditions, etc.; the same shall apply hereinafter) posted on "&BIZ".

Article 4 (Notice from the Company)

Notifications from the Company to members will be conducted by posting on "&BIZ", sending an email, sending a document, or any other method the Company deems appropriate.

Article 5 (Changes to these Terms)

1. The Company may change these Terms without obtaining the consent of the Members, and the Members shall consent to this in advance.

2. The Company shall post the revised Terms on “&BIZ”. The revised Terms will become effective from the time they are posted on &BIZ, unless otherwise specified by the Company.

Article 6 (Membership Registration)

1. When the Company approves an application for membership of "&BIZ", the Company will grant membership qualifications by following the membership registration procedure, and accordingly notify the applicant to that effect.

2. When using the Service, members set a member ID (in principle, the e-mail address of the company where the member works) in advance. The same shall apply hereinafter.) and password and enter them in accordance with the procedures specified by the Company.

Article 7 (Validity period)

The validity period of membership is from the date of membership, until the earliest day either when all room rental contracts between the Company and the company the member works for (hereinafter referred to as the "member’s company") are terminated, or the day when member’s company vacates all rental rooms which the Company operates or manages, else the day a member retires from member’s company.

Article 8 (Notification of changes)

1. If there is a change in the contents of information registered to the Company, the member shall promptly notify the change (including deletion) in accordance with the procedures specified by the Company.

2. Even if a member suffers any disadvantage or damage due to the lack of notification or delay in the notification mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the Company shall not be responsible for it. However, a member shall be responsible for any disadvantage or damage which the Company suffers, incurred by a member as a result of lack of notification of changes.

Article 9 (Responsibility for managing member ID and password)

1. Members may not allow a third party to use their member ID and password, nor may they transfer, buy or sell, change name, etc. However, this does not apply if the member's spouse, children, parents, or siblings are allowed to use the information within the scope specified by the Company.

2. Members shall be solely responsible for the use and management of their member IDs and passwords, and shall be responsible for all actions and results performed using the member IDs and passwords issued to them, as if they were the ones responsible for the actions. You will be responsible and will hold us harmless from any and all damages, losses, liability and costs. The same applies even if the act or result is committed by a third party other than the member himself/herself.

Article 10 (Prohibited matters)

Members must not engage in the following acts.

1. Acts of using this service by a method other than the method specified by the Company.

2. Act of using this service using another person's name.

3. Acts of allowing a third party other than the member to use the service, or tacitly permitting or conniving a third party other than the member to use the service. However, this excludes the proviso to Article 9, Paragraph 1.

4. Posting a link to “&BIZ”.

5. Unauthorized access to the computer used for the operation of "&BIZ", or destruction or modification of data stored on this computer, or any act that is likely to destroy or modify it.

6. Acts that obstruct the operation of “&BIZ”.

7. Acts that infringe or may infringe on the honor, trust, rights, or business of the Company or a third party.

8. Acts that violate or are likely to violate laws and regulations.

9. Acts that violate public order and morals.

10. Acts of falsifying information that can be used regarding “&BIZ”.

11. Acts that the Company separately stipulates as prohibited acts.

12. In addition to the above items, acts that violate these Terms of Use, etc.

Article 11 (Temporary suspension of this service)

1. If any of the following events occur, the Company may suspend the provision of all or part of the Service without prior notice to the member.

(1) In the event that a failure occurs in equipment necessary for providing this service, or in the event of urgent maintenance thereof.

(2) If this service cannot be provided due to fire, power outage, etc.

(3) If this service cannot be provided due to a natural disaster such as an earthquake, eruption, flood, or tsunami.

(4) If it becomes impossible to provide this service due to war, unrest, riot, disturbance, labor dispute, etc.

(5) If the Company determines that it is necessary to suspend this service due to operational, technical, business, or other reasons.

2. Even if the provision of this service is suspended due to any of the reasons listed in the preceding paragraph, the Company will not be held responsible for any damage incurred by members as a result of this.

3. If the Company performs periodic maintenance of this service, the Company may suspend the provision of all or part of the service with prior notice to members.

Article 12 (Cancellation/Termination)

1. In the event that a member violates these Terms, the Company shall not be liable for any complaints or requests made by merchants, etc. (as defined in Article 13) or other third parties regarding the member's use of the service, and the Company is required to do so. If the Company deems it to be necessary for the operation of the service, the Company may take any of the following measures or a combination of these measures against the member concerned.

(1) Measures to request that acts that violate these Terms be discontinued and that similar acts not be repeated.

(2) Measures that require discussions with merchants and other third parties to resolve complaints, claims, etc.

2. If the valid use of membership is not confirmed by the Company, such as that existence of a member is not confirmed by the method specifically determined by the Company, or that the member is doubtful that he or she works for the company to which he or she belongs, the Company may cancel this agreement at its discretion.

3. Members agree that the provisions of Paragraph 1 do not obligate the Company to take the measures set forth in the same paragraph. Furthermore, if the Company takes the measures set forth in Paragraph 1, Members will not make any objections or complaints to the Company regarding the results resulting from such measures.

4. The Company and the members may cancel this agreement for any reason without prior notice to the other party.

5. If a member cancels this agreement in accordance with the preceding paragraph, the member shall immediately notify the cancellation of this agreement in accordance with the procedures specified by the Company.

6. Even if this agreement is terminated pursuant to this article, the Company will not be liable to the member for any damage caused to the member.

Article 13 (Responsibility regarding transactions with merchants, etc.)

1. Transactions between merchants and other companies using this service (hereinafter collectively referred to as “merchants, etc.”) or use of the merchants’ site shall be carried out at the member's responsibility and expense. The Company does not represent or recommend any merchants, etc.

2. Members understand the purpose of the preceding paragraph and confirm that the Company is not in a position to assume any responsibility for transactions with merchants, etc. or the use of the site by merchants, etc.

3. When a member attempts to conduct business with merchants, etc. or use the merchants' site, the member must comply with the rules established by the merchants, etc.

4. The Company does not guarantee the completeness, accuracy, applicability, or usefulness of the information provided by merchants, etc., and does not assume any responsibility in this regard.

Article 14 (Responsibility regarding this service)

1. Members shall use this service at their own responsibility and expense.

2. Members confirm the following:

(1) The Company does not guarantee that the service will be free from defects, errors, failures, etc.

(2) Among the services, the services provided mainly by the Company (limited to those services clearly stated on “&BIZ” as being provided mainly by the Company), the authenticity, accuracy, etc. of the content, the Company makes no guarantees regarding up-to-dateness, usefulness, reliability, etc.

(3) The Company does not guarantee the quality of any of the services that the Company primarily provides, including in the event of an emergency. Not to bear any liability for compensation, etc.

Article 15 (Changes to this service)

The Company may change matters related to the operation of &BIZ, such as the menu contents and site layout that make up this service, as necessary, and members consent in advance to the Company making such changes.

Article 16 (Copyright, etc.)

1. The copyright of the design of "&BIZ", screens that post information on products, etc. belongs to the Company. In addition, the copyright and other rights to information posted on "&BIZ" from merchants, etc. belong to each merchant.

2. Without prior consent from the Company or the merchants, etc., a member is not allowed to store, reproduce, edit, translate, modify, divide, process, transfer, mail, publish or sell any information obtained through &BIZ, regardless of whether it is paid or unpaid.

Article 17 (Responsibility of members)

Members will be responsible for any damages caused to the Company due to the Member's violation of these Terms.

Article 18 (Exclusion of anti-social forces)

1. The Company and the members each make the following promises to the other party.

(1) You and your officers (referring to employees, directors, executive officers, or similar persons) are not involved in organized crime, organized crime-affiliated companies, corporate racketeers, or similar persons, or their members (hereinafter collectively referred to as "anti-social forces").

(2) The conclusion of these Terms does not encourage the activities of anti-social forces or contribute to their operation.

2. The Company and the members are strictly committed to eliminating anti-social forces, and each party confirms that it relies on the other party's commitment in the preceding paragraph to conclude and implement these Terms.

3. In the event that any fact that is found to be contrary to the commitment set forth in Paragraph 1 regarding either the Company or a member, the other party may terminate these Terms without any demand by notifying the other party in writing. can.

4. In the event that these Terms are terminated pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the person who has been terminated will not make any claim against the other party for any damages caused by the termination.

Article 19 (agreed jurisdiction)

In the event that a lawsuit arises between a member and the Company regarding these Terms, the Tokyo District Court or the Tokyo Summary Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction of the first instance.

Article 20 (Governing law)

The governing law regarding these Terms shall be Japanese law.

About the handling of personal information

Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") is a member of the Mitsui Fudosan Group and operates "&BIZ".
In addition to the office building business, the Mitsui Fudosan Group operates a variety of businesses, including housing and lifestyle-related businesses, commercial facility businesses, hotel and resort businesses, and logistics businesses (please check our website for details).
Please see below for our personal information protection policy.
privacy policy

Acquisition of personal information

(1) In operating &BIZ, our company acquires the following personal information about members (hereinafter referred to as "member information") and uses it for the purpose and scope of use specified in each article below.

<As an example, obtain the following information>

・Information provided to our company when applying for joining &BIZ and making inquiries, as well as various procedures such as notification of changes (all information provided by members, such as name, company name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, date of birth, gender, etc.)

・Information provided to us our company when applying for seminars, events, etc. provided by &BIZ (all information provided by members, such as name, company name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, date of birth, gender, etc.)

・Application history for seminars, events, etc. provided by &BIZ

・Usage history of coupons, etc. provided by &BIZ

・&BIZ member site browsing history

(2) If there is a change in the registered information, the member shall directly change the registered information in "Account Settings" on "MYPAGE". If the change registration is not made, the member may suffer disadvantages such as not being able to receive services, but the Company will not be held responsible unless the reason is attributable to the Company.

purpose of use

Our company and our group companies (Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd. and consolidated subsidiaries listed in Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd.'s securities reports, etc.; the same shall apply hereinafter) will use member information to the extent necessary to achieve the following purposes of use.

(1) To operate &BIZ and provide products and services handled by &BIZ

<Examples include the following purposes of use>

・Management of member information

・Management of seminars and events

・Operation and management of member sites

・Responding to inquiries from members

・Distribution and sending of e-mail magazines, etc.

・Sales/shipping/payment of products/presents

・Security, response to emergencies, countermeasures against fraud

(2) To introduce products and services related to clothing, food, housing, play, and work of members handled by our company and our group companies*, and to provide various information and benefits.

<Examples include the following purposes of use>

・Information on various seminars, campaigns, and events*

・Delivery of behavioral targeting advertisements using advertising distribution companies (advertisement method that analyzes member information such as acquired purchase records, estimates member attributes and interests, and changes advertisement content)*

・Providing benefits such as discounts when using coupons and services

*Includes guidance based on estimating member attributes, interests, etc. by analyzing information such as service provision history obtained by our company or our group companies.

The above information, distribution, and provision will be made by telephone, sealed postcards, e-mail magazines, direct mail, etc.

(3) For marketing activities, research, and analysis such as market research handled by our company and our group companies in order to provide better products and services for members, also for development and improvement of products and services that are provided by our company and our group companies manage, related to the clothing, food, housing, play, and work of members.

<Examples include the following purposes of use>

・Development and improvement of products and services

・Implementation of questionnaire

・Customer trend analysis

・Verifying the effectiveness of sales promotion activities and formulating sales promotion plans

(4) To provide information to third parties in order to achieve the purposes of use (1) to (3) above.

Acquisition of personal information

Our company acquires web browsing/usage history and its analysis results collected using cookies, advertising IDs (smartphone device identifiers), etc. (hereinafter referred to as "cookies, etc.") from third-party data provider service providers. This will be linked to member information and used for purposes such as advertising distribution.
In addition, we obtain web browsing/usage history and analysis results collected using cookies etc. from our group companies, link this with member information, and then We will use your information to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use.

Provision to a third party

(1) In addition to cases based on the provisions of laws and regulations, our company may provide member information to third parties such as our group companies or business partners, extent necessary to achieve the purposes of use (1) to (3) listed in "Purpose of Use" above.

(2) The information provided will be the name, address, telephone number, and other items necessary to achieve each purpose of use, but will be limited to the minimum necessary information.

<Example of personal data provided>

・Information registered at the time of membership application

・Information submitted after joining

・Information received when applying for seminars/events

・Information received during consultations/inquiries

・Service usage history

<Examples of parties to whom personal data is provided>

・Our group companies

・Service provider

(3) When providing data to a third party, it shall be done in writing, by mail, by telephone, fax, e-mail, electronic media, etc., and the delivery shall be done with due consideration to safety management. When electronic data shall be provided, our company will take necessary measures such as encryption before handing over the information.

(4) Upon request from the person in question, we will stop providing personal information to third parties. Please contact the "Consultation Desk for Personal Data Disclosure, etc." listed below. Please be aware that due to suspension, you may not be able to receive some or all of the services.

Date of enactment: April 1, 2012

Posting date: April 12, 2012

Revision date: July 15, 2015

Revision date: April 7, 2020

Revision date: March 31, 2023